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Videos for you!
Self-Regulation, Yoga & Mindfulness Practices
*Grief is a very personal experience and allowing grief to run its course is very important, but sometimes we want to shift out of our current state. Use up-regulation when you want to re-engage; use down-regulation when you want to self-calm
Managing Difficult Moments Tools
"Shake It Off!"
Anger & Cravings: Down-Regulation
Dealing with explosive anger/rage? Meet your nervous system where it is, and slowly step it down. Feel free to add in more or less of any of the elements featured. The more often you interrupt the process of rising anger, the less reactive you will become over time - things won't bother you as much. It all starts with learning to recognize your early warning signs, and using your tools to interrupt the pathway to anger, and regain control of your nervous system.
Managing Difficult Moments Tools
"Quick Calm in the Palm"
Anxiety Reduction: Down Regulation
This is an ideal tool for someone who feels a sense of dread, fear and hyper vigilance; perhaps rapid heartbeat and shallow rapid breathing. The combination of these very simple actions has a synergistic and quick down-regulating effect. To increase this effect, invert (get your head lower than your heart) by bending forward to rest your head on a lower object (chair, table). Practice this tool many times a day; the more you practice, the quicker it works and the more noticeable the change.
Managing Difficult Moments Tools
"Asana Mantra" 3-poses Repeated
Anger & Cravings: Down-Regulation
JUST MOVE! A short tutorial showing you some options to create your own Asana Mantra - a set of 3 (or more) poses strung together and repeated as long as you want, to self-calm, center, and move through "stuck" moments. You can add longer holds, wider or shorter stance - whatever feels right for you! Movement in the body helps movement in the mind - focus your attention on sensations to shift your nervous system out of craving or angst...where do I feel a stretch? Where do I feel muscular contraction?
Managing Difficult Moments Tools
"Breath of Joy"
Getting Unstuck: Up Regulation
Instructions: break your inhalation up into 3 parts, taking a sip of air in and sweep your arms like a conductor 1) in front and up, 2) out to the side and up, 3) back into the front and straight up. Then exhale as you bend your knees, bend at your hip crease and sweep your arms downward into a forward bend; repeat several times until you feel noticeably more alert, and upbeat.
Guided Meditation
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
Down-Regulation and Centering
Shawn leads us through an easy to understand and easy to follow explanation of mindfulness. By explaining the traditional concept of mindfulness, we see the simplicity and beauty of the practice. Eventually everything you do will be done with awareness and you feel more in control, more centered. This is meant to make Mindfulness accessible to all - no fancy apps, books or props...
Gentle Yoga (MM) - 7 minutes
All on the floor
Centering - Yoga & Mindfulness
Very gentle floor asana, no standing. Includes, savasana (final relaxation pose), pranayama (breathwork) and a rotation of consciousness meditation - will help reframe and soften the day. This video was originally created for one of our Managing Menopause series.
Quiet Yoga (MM) - 16.5 minutes
All on Floor - extended meditation
Centering - Yoga & Mindfulness
Gentle asana on the floor and some standing poses. Includes stabilization/core savasana (final relaxation pose), two-part breathing & alternating nostril pranayama (breathwork) and extended meditation - good for decompressing and before bed. This video was originally created for one of our Managing Menopause series. ​
Gentle Yoga (MM) - 20 minutes
Standing and on the floor
Centering - Yoga & Mindfulness
Gentle asana on the floor with some standing poses. Includes, a neck release, stabilization/core exercises, legs-up-the-wall savasana (final relaxation pose), two-part breath pranayama (breathwork) and guided meditation - well rounded gentle practice for end of day to release a stressful day from your mind and body. This video was originally created for one of our Managing Menopause series.
Gentle Yoga Class - 1 hour
Full Yoga Class
Centering - Yoga & Mindfulness
Gentle asana on the floor with some standing poses. Includes, a neck release, stabilization/core exercises, legs-up-the-wall savasana (final relaxation pose), two-part breath pranayama (breathwork) and guided meditation - well rounded gentle practice for end of day to release a stressful day from your mind and body.
Mindful Movement
Six Movements of the Spine
Centering - Yoga & Mindfulness
The spine makes six distinct movements, forward and backward bends (1 & 2), Lateral bend right and left (3 & 4), and twist right and left (5 & 6). This simple and gentle Yoga sequence is ideal for people who have chronic back discomfort. The full range of motion movements wake up all of the muscles along the spine. Synchronize your breath with each movement.
Mindfulness Explained & Practice
Full Yoga Class
Centering - Mindfulness
Shawn leads us through an easy to understand and easy to follow explanation of mindfulness. By explaining the traditional concept of mindfulness, we see the simplicity and beauty of the practice. Eventually everything you do will be done with awareness and you feel more in control, more centered. This is meant to make Mindfulness accessible to all - no fancy apps, books or props...
Somatic Yoga - 14.5 minutes
Hip Release sequence
Pain Management - Somatics
This short Yoga sequence was designed for a client who regularly experiences low back and hip pain; occasionally sciatica. If you experience any discomfort with any Yoga sequences, stop practicing - there is no sequence that is one-size-fits all; we are all so beautifully different.
Vídeos en Español
JoAnn & Rupert Reyes Class Video
Vídeos en Español
JoAnn & Rupert Reyes Class Video
Vídeos en Español
JoAnn & Rupert Reyes Class Video
Vídeos en Español
Respiracición 4-7-8
La Escala de la Respiraciaón